Intuitive Brand and Website Design for Creatives and Artists

Portfolio Case Study

Cecilia Proskauer, Wedding and Portrait Photographer

Ligia's Spiritual Coaching Brand:
A Sanctuary of Growth and Healing

Spiritual Coach

/ New Brand

/ Visual Strategy
/ Brand Design
/ Icon Design
/ Website Design
/ E-commerce
/ Podcast and YouTube Branding
/ Social Media Templates
/ Email Marketing Branding
/ Ebook Design

See Website

Ligia, a dedicated spiritual coach, embarked on a journey to transform her personal brand.

Her goal was to create a welcoming and resonant space, reflective of her evolving identity and practice, catering to individuals seeking guidance and healing on their spiritual paths.

Embracing Transformation in Spiritual Coaching

Cultivating an Inspirational and Safe Space

Ligia’s aspiration was to design a digital space akin to a library – a place of inspiration, safety, and joy for her audience.

Ligia wanted her website to be more than just a source of information; she envisioned it as a sanctuary for spiritual exploration and growth.

Designing with Serenity and Joy

In line with Ligia’s tranquil and uplifting ethos, we focused on color gradients as the centerpiece of our design.

The use of subtle, serene colors over photography brought a sense of peace and joy, perfectly aligning with the spirit of her coaching practice.

Crafting an Intuitive and Boundless Experience

Our main challenge lay in structuring the website. We aimed to create a sense of infinite exploration, yet with an intuitive and clear navigational flow.

The key was in presenting Ligia’s services and products upfront, interspersing them with free resources like her podcast and blog.

This approach ensured a straightforward yet rich user experience.

The Transformation:

A Brand That Mirrors the Soul

Ligia’s new brand and website are not just a reflection of her professional identity but a manifestation of her spiritual journey. It stands as a testament to the power of empathetic and intuitive design in capturing the essence of one’s soul and purpose.

See Website

Nurturing words from Lígia

"Ana has something that is so hard to find: she is able to read me and materialize my thoughts before I even know what want."

"This past year I was feeling very limited with my brand and website because it didn’t match who I was anymore. I wanted my new brand to integrate my spiritual, mental, and, emotional side. To integrate these different worlds that live inside me and that needed to be shared.

Ana was the best person for this whole process, for her ability to create something that only existed in my mind, for her creative capacity, for her patience, her resilience, and her ability to go beyond what is asked. This is so validating and so important because it’s not about just doing what it’s asked for – it’s about truly helping your clients and wanting them to be successful. I think this is what it’s like to have someone beside us who sees beyond what we are capable of seeing.

I feel very comfortable with my new brand. Even though it’s all very new and fresh, every time I see my website and look at my brand, I feel so happy that I went through this experience. It feels like me. I feel there’s so much of my soul in it."

Looking to create a serene and inspiring digital space?

Join me in designing a brand that reflects your journey and resonates with your audience. Get in touch to start shaping your brand's future.

Begin My Transformation

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